
Let’s talk about a few averages. On average, the life expectancy of a human is 70 years. On average, we spend one-third of our lives sleeping. That leaves us with about 46 years. That’s where I’ll leave it. I won’t talk about how we spend time doing things we love, eating food, talking to friends, […]

How to be a non-judgemental person?

Do you have a superpower? Now before you answer, let’s redefine the meaning of the word “superpower” a little. A quick Google search says that superpower means an exceptional or extraordinary power or ability. Now you can answer the question ~ what is your superpower? What is that extraordinary element that differentiates you from others? […]

Are You Paying Attention?

Imagine you’re in an important office meeting. Your subordinate has been briefing you for over half an hour. You’re nodding after every sentence that comes out of their mouth but in reality, you’ve no idea what on God’s green Earth they are even talking about. How often does it happen to you that two people […]

Sleep ∝ Performance

The conversation around sleeping and how much you should spend resting is a long one. From the likes of Elon Musk who just sleeps 4 hours a day to that of every trainer who recommends at least 8 hours of sleep, there’s a disparity somewhere. But before we get to that, let’s talk about a […]

How To Prepare For 2024?

There are two categories of people: One who openly celebrates events like the New Year lays down strong resolutions for themselves and keeps track of their progress throughout the year. Another category of people don’t believe in countdowns, don’t build resolutions, don’t create lists, yet still have a list of milestones to achieve in their […]